Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Changed of layout. Feeling a little different.
Hoping to starting a new within.
Trying so hard not to focus on the negative.
Look up to a BIG GOD!
Trying to remember that I'm His PRINCESS and nobody can take that away from me.
I'm currently sick at the moment and feeling pretty terrible.
I'm not going to back down!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Time and again you reached out to me.
Looking past my faults you see my destiny.
Your hand of love reached out to me and set me free.
I will praise you Jesus all my days Sing of all your great deeds and your ways.
I will love you now and ever more love so amazing I adore!

Do I really mean what I say. Opportunities after opportunities given to me but yet I throw them all away. I don't know myself anymore I don't like who I've become. I've become lazy, disobedient, rebellious and lie. You've thought me everything but I still am weak so very weak. I rely to much on myself.

I'm so unhappy.