Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Sorry folks, i did not really get to update much this week because i'm really busy. I attended this very awesome church camp. I'll talk more about it later and update it later if i have the chance to blog again. Sorry people.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Today woke up early because of the medical appointment. Had to drink a lot of water yesterday because they have to check the urine sample, whether healthy or not healthy. They also checked our height and weight. Next they have to check our eyesight. After that we had to take a blood test. Ok! Ok! That was my first time that i took the blood test. Actually I had to do it because my birthday's like a few days away from fifteen. What theee.....?????? Anyway the blood test didn't really hurt because i'm tough and strong and...and not crying.!!!! Cool!!! It's already done...It's over. We had to wait for a while for the people to call us to go to see the doctor in there. He checked our pulse, reflexes...etc.... After all that was done we went home.

Monday, January 05, 2004

Yesterday when i was using the internet I downloaded a few songs. Also yesterday i watched this show about this four very dangerous people hi-jacking a train. They wanted to get away with cash of five million which they had made a deal with this person working in the command post office. In the end the hi-jackers did not get away with the crimes that they have commited.
My mom just finished making sago. It taste nice but I think it contains too much coconut so it makes the sago taste funny. Anyway when she was making i had to cut and scoop out the rock-melon.

Sunday, January 04, 2004

Looking back at the past... What have i achieve???

1) school grades improving
2) great friends
3) fun
4) joy
5) happiness
6) getting things that i want
7) cooking skills

Am I really happy???

yeah!!! I guess...can be disappointed at times...but i can cope with it.

What can i do to improve?

look through what i have done wrong...try to change it...ask people for help...just try my best.
What I've done lately for the holidays....

Watch television....Use the internet...Talk...Sleep...Read books...Cook...Play....Go out...Eat...Have fun...

Kinda boring eh!!!

I can't wait to go to Planet Shakers camp.

And also I can't wait to go back to Singapore.

And I can't wait to celebrate my birthday......!!!!!
Me...going to get ready for a medical appointment for the PR thing on tuesday. What the....???? I got to take a blood test because they want to check whether i'm positive to aids.

Saturday, January 03, 2004

The days have gone by pretty fast. The school in Singapore has already started school. I am still having my school holidays. Lately i have been using friendster. What is friendster? Ok! Friendster is a place on the web where your friends chat with eatch other by sending messages and testimonial of other people.

Friday, January 02, 2004

People came visiting our place today because the owner of the house that we are currently renting wants to sell this house so there are buyers looking at the place. I can't believe that we have to pack our things up again and we have to move house and then we have to unpack so that means we have to clean the place before leaving it. So that will be very tiring. And then I think our friends will help us because we are moving.
Me today, didn't do much. Stayed at home...Soo boring but anyway. My dad recently have receive the confirmation of the house that we are going to rent. The owner agreed and then we are going to move out soon. Soo now i have got to pack a few things before i go back, if not my family will help me to pack, which i don't really like a bit because when they pack they just put whateva in the boxes and then they not put the things that are neccessary and the things that are important in different boxes, and then when you come back to unpack the things. You can't really find them because it's somewhere in the boxes.