Man!!! I just got to update something that happened yesterday in school during maths lesson which is our form class.
In maths calss we didn't do maths at all. Instead we had a healthy connections lesson. OK!! a few medicine students came to our class to talk about SEX!!!! At first they perform a skit for us then they showed us a slideshow about STI and how disgusting the infections are when you get STI (Sexually Transmited Infection) used to be known as STD (Sexually Transmited Disease). After that we had to break up in groups to have a discussion. Once in groups, we had another discussion about what kind of infections there are and what the causes are. The next discussion we had in the samll group was about comdoms, pill, prevention from getting pregnant and then also talk about the different protection people use. We had to do something very gross. Had to experiment how to put a condom on a plastic banana....soo gross, disgusting even...i can see my friends were like squirming. Anyway that was all the time we had.. But from this lesson i have learned something new and interesting and disgusting. NOw i know what SEX is about!!!!!!!!